CSV to SQL import
CSV to SQL import
Link : https://tinyurl.com/csv-sql-import
What is this app all about ?
This app allows users to import a .csv file and save it in MySQL. The .csv file needs to be in a specified format, something like this .Once the data is saved we can see and delete the table data on the front-end.
Whats there on back-end and front-end ?
- Back-End :
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Front-End :
- ReactJS
Field Type
id int(11)
level_col varchar(255)
cvss varchar(255)
title varchar(255)
vulnerability varchar(255)
solution varchar(255)
reference_col varchar(255)
Where is it deployed ?
Client side app ( React app ) is deployed on NetlifyServer side app ( Node app ) is deployed on Heroku
MySQL database is deployed on Remote Mysql
How to run it locally ?
To run it locally we need to clone two git repositories, one for the server and other for the client ( front-end).
To clone the client repo :
git clone https://github.com/krishankantray/csv-to-sql-import-client.git
To clone the server repo :
git clone https://github.com/krishankantray/csv-to-sql-import-server.git
The above git setup is for online server auto deployment on Heroku and Netlify.
We need to make some changes in it to run it locally.
First we setup the server locally :
- Open the directory : csv-to-sql-import-server , in any vscode or any other editor.
- If you have a local MySql db then do replace the details in the app>>config>>db.config.js
If you don't have a local MySql db then leave it as it is.
Now, open terminal ( in the directory - csv-to-sql-import-server ),
- npm install
- npm start
It should print in terminal : Server is running on port 9000.
( Make sure there is nothing previously running on port 9000, if there is then change the port from line 25 of server.js )
To test if all APIs are working, open postman and use following APIs
- GET call for obtaining all the records
- GET call for single records by id
Similarly other calls ,
- POST call for bulk create records : http://localhost:9000/bulkcreate This call needs a body to be passed
- POST call for single create records http://localhost:9000/customers This call needs a body to be passed
- DELETE call for all records deletion http://localhost:9000/customers
- DELETE call for records deletion http://localhost:9000/customers/963
- PUT call to update a single record http://localhost:9000/customers/963
Now, we will configure the local front-end ( React app ) :
We only need to make some changes in App.js within src directory.
Just change the line 35, 69 and 97, i.e we need to change the URL of all the fetch calls from Apps.js.
35 : Before https://csv-to-sql-import.herokuapp.com/bulkcreate
35 : After http:localhost:9000/bulkcreate
35 : After http:localhost:9000/bulkcreate
Similarly for line 69 and 97, just replace this part of URL -
and rest of the part of url remains same.
Now, its time to run the app
Goto the folder csv-to-sql-import-client in terminal
- npm install
- npm start
Now, the app is running locally.
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