Kadane's Algorithm

Kadane's Algorithm


  • This algorithm is used to find maximum sum sub-array from a given array. 
  • Its has O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity.  
  • It works irrespective of whether the elements are positive or negative, whether sorted or unsorted. 
  • Its DP approach
  • Its brute force approach takes O(n^2) as it calculates all possible sub-array and then return maximum out of them. 

Since brute force approach is very obvious and easy to implement, so, I am not discussing it here.

Lets directly jump to Kadane's Algorithm : 

Its uses two variables one stores local maximum ( local_maximum ) and other stores global maximum ( global_maximum ) .
Initialise , local_maximum = 0 and global_maximum = -Infinity 

We start iteration from the first element, and for each element we check following condition before updating the local_maximum :
  • if  local_maximum < 0 ,  then local_maximum = arr[i] ,  this is because if local_maximum is negative value then adding it with current value will result into lower value.
    Otherwise, if local_maximum >=0 then local_maximum= local_maximum + arr[i] .
Now, we got local_maximum till current element, its time to compare it with global_maximum
  • If global_maximum < local_maximum then  global maximum = local_maximum              
 Thats it, now after whole iteration is finished the our answer is the value of global_maximum


Now, its time to code it out : 

Language used : JavaScript

var maxSubArray = function(nums) {
    var local_maximum=0;
    return nums
        .reduce( (global_maximum,current_element)=>{
        if(local_maximum <0 ) {
            local_maximum = current_element ;
            local_maximum = local_maximum + current_element ;
        global_maximum =  Math.max(global_maximum,local_maximum);
        return global_maximum ;
    }, -Infinity);

Please read about reduce function in JS if you don't already know about it. 


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